◆ 自今年年初,佛吉亚和海拉在佛瑞亚集团下紧密协作
◆ 双方共同庆祝进入中国汽车市场30周年,展望美好未来
◆ 佛吉亚和海拉将在佛瑞亚总品牌旗下继续推进本地化战略,为中国客户提供定制化解决方案
中国是汽车产业规模最大的单一市场,长期以来始终走在出行变革的前沿。 佛吉亚和海拉均已成功深耕中国多年。 2022年不仅是两家汽车零部件供应商相遇构成佛瑞亚的元年,同时也是双方进入中国市场30周年。 2023年1月13日,佛吉亚和海拉共同庆祝这一意义重大的里程碑,并展示以共同的热忱积极塑造未来出行的决心。
佛吉亚中国区总裁马川表示:“本土化始终是我们在华实现业务快速增长的基石。 佛吉亚进入中国市场30年,有幸见证并参与到中国改革开放的进程中,与中国汽车行业共同成长,并实现业务持续强劲增长。 我们始终坚持 '创新在中国,创新为中国',为中国市场和消费者打造安全、可持续、先进和个性化的出行解决方案。 展望未来,佛吉亚将继续深耕中国这一重要战略市场,紧扣行业发展最新趋势,并与海拉紧密携手实现 '智行合一'的出行体验。 ”
海拉(上海)管理有限公司总经理兼海拉中国区财务控制执行副总裁Marcel Wiedmann博士表示 :“海拉在中国壮大,而中国也是海拉发展最重要的支柱之一。 秉承着'在中国,为中国'这一本土化理念,我们将继续开发专门针对中国市场的产品和创新。 我们也将进一步加强本地研发能力,以更快、更好地满足本地市场的需求和期望。 我们将充分利用自身资源以及与众多出色的合作伙伴展开协作,来实现这一目标。 在佛瑞亚的总品牌下,佛吉亚和海拉不仅同样拥有在华30年发展经验,而且在技术、客户、市场准入等方面均高度互补。 通过整合我们的具体优势,我们能够更好地推动行业变革,塑造未来出行。 ”
海拉和佛吉亚在中国的发展历程都始于1992年。 佛吉亚与武汉通达展开业务合作,同年海拉开始在中国生产照明产品。 30年间,从“中国制造”转向“中国智造”,从推动本土研发、深化与中国合作伙伴合作,到培养和助力本土人才,海拉和佛吉亚始终秉承开放的态度,积极应对中国市场的新需求,致力于成为中国客户和消费者值得信赖的合作伙伴。 如今,佛吉亚和海拉的核心业务均已扎根中国市场。 在佛瑞亚总品牌下,佛吉亚和海拉在华拥有约27700名员工,其中包括3300名研发人员,并建立了95个研发、生产和管理设施。
自2022年2月,佛吉亚和海拉开始在佛瑞亚总品牌下合作运营。 两家公司全球共有150,000名员工,共同构成全球第七大汽车零部件供应商,和未来高增长出行领域的市场领导者。 佛瑞亚集团整合了佛吉亚与海拉的互补技术和工业优势,关注人及其重要的灵感来源,为当今和未来世代打造安全、可持续、先进和个性化的出行体验。
◆ Since the beginning of this year, Faurecia and HELLA have been working together under the FORVIA umbrella
◆ Both partners celebrate their 30th anniversary in the Chinese automotive market, facing a successful future
◆ Under the joint FORVIA umbrella, Faurecia and HELLA intend to continue their localization strategy and bring forward tailor-made solutions for Chinese customers
China is the single largest market in the automotive industry and has long been a pioneer in the transformation of mobility. Both Faurecia and HELLA have been successfully active here for many years. 2022 marks the year in which both automotive suppliers have come together under the overarching umbrella of FORVIA and the 30th anniversary of their successful business development in the Chinese market. On January 13th in 2023, Faurecia & HELLA jointly celebrate the great milestones with a common passion to shape mobility of future.
“Localization has always been the cornerstone of our rapid business growth in China”, says Chuan Ma, President of Faurecia China. “In the 30 years since our entry into the Chinese market, Faurecia has had the privilege to witness and participate in China's reform and opening up, to grow together with the Chinese automotive industry, and to witness continued strong business growth. Always adhering to 'Innovation in China, for China', we shape safe, sustainable, advanced and personalized mobility solutions for the Chinese market and consumers. Looking to the future, Faurecia will continue to cultivate this important strategic market, to adhere to the latest trends in the industry and work closely with HELLA to inspire mobility."
“HELLA grows in China, and China is one of the most important pillars of HELLA's development”, says Dr. Marcel Wiedmann, Managing Director of the HELLA Corporate Center China. “Based on the established "In China, for China" local strategy, we will continue to develop products and innovations for the Chinese market. We will also further strengthen our local R&D capabilities to meet the needs and expectations of the local market, even faster and better. We will make full use of our own resources and cooperate with many high-performing partners to achieve this goal. Under the FORVIA umbrella brand, Faurecia and HELLA not only have the same experience of 30 years of development in China, but also are highly complementary in terms of technology, customers and market access. By bundling our specific strengths, we are better positioned to drive industry change and shape the future of mobility."
Both Faurecia and HELLA started their journey in China in 1992. Faurecia started business cooperation with local supplier Wuhan Tongda, and in the same year HELLA started the production of lighting products in China. In the past 30 years, from "Made in China" to "Intelligent Manufacturing in China", from promoting local R&D, deepening cooperation with Chinese partners, to cultivating and facilitating local talents, Faurecia and HELLA are always open to respond to the new needs of the Chinese market and are committed to be a reliable partner for Chinese clients and consumers. Today, both Faurecia and HELLA's core businesses are present in China. Under the FORVIA umbrella brand, Faurecia and HELLA have around 27700 employees in China, 3300 of whom work in R&D alone, and 95 development, production and administrative sites in the country .
Since the beginning of February 2022, Faurecia and HELLA have been working closely together under the overarching umbrella brand FORVIA. Together, with 150,000 employees worldwide, they form the seventh largest automotive supplier and a market leader in high-growth future areas of mobility. FORVIA integrates the complementary technological and industrial strengths of Faurecia and HELLA, focusing on people and their common passion to create safe, sustainable, advanced and personalized mobility experiences for today and future generations.