2023年,中国将占到全球汽车份额的32%,因此上海车展对于FORVIA佛瑞亚来说将是展示创新实力、把握市场动向的一次重要契机。 从展台设计到对讲解员的培训,每一个环节都在佛吉亚和海拉集团、中国区及各事业部团队的紧密合作下完成,充分向客户和用户展示了FORVIA佛瑞亚的综合技术实力。
在FORVIA佛瑞亚集团展台新闻发布会上,佛吉亚首席执行官柯瑞达(Patrick KOLLER)先生介绍了集团在全球和本土市场的动向:
“我们很高兴在2023上海车展为大家呈现应对所有行业趋势的前沿技术与解决方案,体现佛吉亚与海拉多元、平衡的产品组合。 得益于佛吉亚与海拉30多年来在中国市场的深耕与发展,FORVIA佛瑞亚集团与中国汽车市场建立了牢固且持久的关系,是中国汽车厂商值得信赖的合作伙伴。 我们期待与在华汽车厂商一起,共绘'智行合一'的移动出行未来。 ”
“在过去几年,中国汽车市场呈显著增长,并在电动化和自动驾驶等主流趋势领域引领变革。 中国汽车品牌在全球市场中正以惊人的速度崛起。 以深耕本土为其核心发展战略之一,FORVIA佛瑞亚集团已与中国本土的主要汽车制造商建立了深厚的伙伴关系,与超过40家全球及中国本土汽车制造商开展合作。 ”
During The 20th Shanghai International Automobile Industry Exhibition (Auto Shanghai 2023), FORVIA Group showcases a series of groundbreaking technology and interactive experiences, presenting its combined portfolio of Faurecia and HELLA. All these technologies illustrate FORIVA's commitment to shaping safe, advanced, customized, and sustainable mobility experiences for the Chinese and global markets.
China alone will account for around 32% of global vehicles volumes in 2023 so Auto Shanghai is a highly important event for FORVIA. From booth design preparation to the training on demonstrators, teams from BGs, China and Group of both Faurecia and HELLA have worked closely together to project the strength of FORVIA’s combined tech offering.
Key technologies and interactive experiences showcased by FORVIA focus on our three strategic axes:
Electrification and energy management
Safe and automated driving
Digital and sustainable cockpit experiences
Patrick Koller, CEO of Faurecia, hosted a press conference at FORVIA's booth to present FORVIA's activities at a global and local level: "We are glad to present cutting-edge technologies and solutions addressing all industry megatrends at Auto Shanghai 2023, presenting the combined portfolio of Faurecia and HELLA. With more than 30 years of history of both companies in China, FORVIA has a strong and lasting relationship with the market and is a trusted part of Chinese OEMs. We are looking forward to inspiring mobility with OEMs in China. "